In Which Shall be Examined Films, Art, and their Intersections (or Lack Thereof)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Films Every Child Should Watch (Or, Films that Shaped My Childhood)

  1. The Parent Trap - the original Disney
  2. Pollyanna - also the original Disney
  3. Swiss Family Robinson
  4. The Sound of Music
  5. Fiddler on the Roof
  6. Sleeping Beauty
  7. 101 Dalmations - animated version
  8. Robin Hood - Ok, this title is counting for three films: the Errol Flynn, Richard Todd, and animated Disney version
  9. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
  10. The Music Man
  11. Beauty and the Beast
  12. Lady and the Tramp
  13. The Jungle Book
  14. Bambi
  15. Dumbo
  16. The Rescuers and the Rescuers Down Under
  17. The Aristocats
  18. Enchanted
  19. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
  20. Mary Poppins
And here are two series NO ONE should go without seeing:
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - the ORIGINAL ones
Veggie Tales

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