In Which Shall be Examined Films, Art, and their Intersections (or Lack Thereof)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hanna Trailer (2011) HD

Another Bourne film? I sure hope so.


  1. I'm getting really weirded out!


  2. Ok, I can see why. The synopsis I read said that this is the story of an ex-CIA worker who trains his daughter as the perfect assassin. When he sends her on her first mission, however, she encounters a French family who begin to teach her what it means to really live.

    I admit, the trailer looks kind of weird at first. But I'm hoping that it will be similar to the Bourne films: looking like one thing on the surface, but really containing a deep philosophical discussion on human nature and the meaning of life. Make sense?

  3. Well, I love the Bourne movies, so I'm hoping the same...:-)

    The actress was amazing in Atonement, and she looks amazing here too.

    When does it come out?

  4. Yes, Saoirse Ronan is a truly incredible actress. She's one of the young acting talents to keep an eye on. I'm also hoping that Joe Wright, of Pride & Prejudice and Atonement fame, will continue to direct films of the same caliber.

    It comes out April 8. It's on my calendar. :-)
